Shipping & Delivery
Due to factors that commonly affect international shipments, such as weather delays, holidays and customs inspections, The following are only estimates. Our fulfillment center is currently overseas. Our average shipping time is mostly 2-4 weeks. In very rare cases it can take up to 35 days for some products.
We only ship to the following countries.
Country |
Average Shipping Time |
United States |
2-4 weeks |
Australia |
2-4 weeks |
United Kingdom |
2-4 weeks |
Canada |
2-4 weeks |
New Zealand |
2-4 weeks |
When you place an order, we will estimate shipping and delivery dates for you based on the availability of your items.
We ship within 24-72 hours. Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. In most cases, you will receive your item(s) earlier than expected and sometimes it depends on the destination. Your patience is truly appreciated. You can always contact us if you have any questions regarding your purchase. Our customer service is very fast!
When will my order arrive?
Our fulfillment center is currently overseas. Our average shipping time is most of the times 2-4 weeks. In very rare cases it can take up to 35 business days for some products. We ship worldwide so delivery times are all averages.
Will you provide a Tracking Number?
In most cases when the order is shipped you will be emailed a tracking number. Some countries where shipping is restricted to a few shipping companies there may not have tracking available, but this is rare. Please send us an email at and we shall find out the whereabouts of your order.
I ordered multiple items, but I have received my parcel holding just 1 of them...
If you place an order with us for multiple items it is more than likely going to be shipped in more than one package. Please allow some time for all of your items to arrive.
IMPORTANT: Axen Gizmo is not responsible for destination country tax and/or duty charge that may incur. Customers will be held accountable for any restrictions, duties, taxes, and any other fees collected from the destination country, prior to ordering. We will not be responsible for any Duties, Taxes, or Customs fees under any circumstances.
If the order arrives at your country and...
- The customer refuses to accept the package
- No attempt is made in the country of destination to deliver the package.
Axen Gizmo reserves the right to abandon the package(s) and will not be responsible for any refund.